Prospective purchasers for property at Killcare will often compare the options available with those in Pearl Beach. Here is a snapshot comparison of the two regions.
The Killcare Peninsula has a population of 1,766 people which is slightly more than three times the size of Pearl Beach at 513.
Killcare is slightly younger with the predominant age group being 55-64 as opposed 65-74 in Pearl Beach.
Housing Tenure
There are approximately 1,540 properties in the Killcare Peninsula and 645 in Pearl Beach.
Around 55% of properties in Killcare are permanent residences. Pearl Beach has a significantly higher percentage of weekenders with only 34% permanent occupancy.
Both areas have around 21% of occupants renting their home.
Sales Performance
The median house price in Killcare for 2012 was $556,000 against $735,000 in Pearl Beach.
This represented a 10% fall in value from 2011 in Killcare and 11.5% in Pearl Beach.
There were 52 properties traded over 2012 in Killcare and 37 in Pearl Beach.
The $500-600,000 price bracket had the highest volume in Killcare against the $600-700,000 bracket in Pearl Beach.
Both regions recorded 4 sales above the $1.5m mark.
Housing Turnover
Over the decade to the end of 2012 both regions show around 4.5% of housing stock being traded annually. 4.6% of Killcare housing is currently on the market suggesting a balanced level of supply and demand. Conversely Pearl Beach has 6.5% of it’s stock for sale which may indicate an over supply and potentially a further softening in prices for the area.